Rhaenyra takes Sor Harwin Strong (Son and heir of the Lord of Harrenhal) as a lover. >Laenor Velaryon is gay, so his marriage with Rhaenyra doesn't work out. >In Essos, Prince Daemon conquers the Stepstones, but give up his crown and returns to Westeros - and seduces Rhaenyra (and some other shit happens with Rhaenyra and one kingsguard).Īnonymous 10/28/21(Thu)23:46:16 No. >When Rhaenyra gets of age, the King tries to find her a good marriage and after going around the realm, he decides on Laenor Velaryon (Princess Rhaenys' son), and the heir of Lord Corlys Velaryon (the most powerful man of Westeros after the Targs) and so it joins the two claimants to the Throne. During a tourney, Rhaenyra dresses in her house colors (Black and Red) and Alicent with her's (Green) so two factions are created in the court - The Blacks supporting Rhaenyra and the Greens supporting Alicent and her children. >Rhaenyra and Alicent's relationship was a good one but after the birth of Aegon, their relationship gets bad. >Some years later Viserys marry Otto's daughter, Alicent, and has four children with her - Prince Aegon, Princess Helaena, Prince Aemond and Prince Daeron, but he still makes Rhaenyra his heir. When Aemma Arryn dies giving birth to Prince Baelon, and Baelon dies a day after - Daemon mocks his nephew by calling him "Heir for a Day", and Viserys angered by that decides to make Rhaenyra his heir (Thanks to the Hand of the King, Ser Otto Hightower) >Since girls weren't considered heirs, Viserys' brother, Daemon, thinks of himself as the heir.

>The people choose Viserys as heir, so when Jaehaerys die, Viserys gets the Throne.

>Viserys' father, Prince Baelon dies before his father and a Great Council is called to decide who's gonna be the heir of the Throne - Prince Viserys or Princess Rhaenys (Jaehaerys' first granddaughter and only child of Prince Aemon, Jaehaerys' first born) >Viserys, grandson of King Jaehaerys, marries his cousin Aemma of House Arryn and has a child with her - Princess Rhaenyra